I feel like I should mention the royal wedding. It is “the talk” today. So I’ll say Kate looked beautiful, William looked dashing, and I’m thrilled they married for love and waited till they were mature enough to make a good decision.
On a side note, today is my Dad and Sally’s (my stepmom) anniversary. If you had told me that my Dad would remarry after my mother passed away, I never would have believed it. But, he met a new love and married again. It’s been five years. She looked beautiful. He looked dashing. I’m thrilled they married for love, and I feel they were both mature enough to make a good decision! The only difference? No hats at the ceremony!
I could blog all day about the hats I saw as I watched footage from the royal wedding on my DVR. The shapes, the colors, the sizes, the accessories… all I could really think was, how will anybody who is not in a front row seat see anything over those hats?
Being 6’1” tall, I make it a practice to get to a movie theatre early and pick a seat with no one behind me. If someone chooses to sit behind a tall person, that is their issue. (Stadium seating has really solved this problem for everyone!) But honestly, in Westminster Abbey, no one was going to see anything with all the plumage even if they managed to get stadium seating in there.
Speaking of weddings. Maw-Maw and my granddad missed their 60th wedding anniversary by 2 months when Granddad died. Grandmother Faith and Granddaddy were married 46 years before he died. Mom and Dad were married 46 years before she died. I come from a family of people whose love was eternal and marriage vows meant hanging on through the hard times.
Everyone one has hard times—everyone! The keys that I saw, especially in earlier generations’ marriages, were communication, respect, friendship, and love. I married my best friend, and I am so thankful I did. We have learned over the course of 17 years to communicate, respect, and love each other through times that only God could see us through.
In the end, I pray that our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will be able to talk about how Chance and I made it to our 60th+ wedding anniversary. And when that happens, promise me, you will come to the party and wear a hat filled with plumage!!